Here are some resources I’ve used myself and that I personally vouch for. These are incredibly useful for both life and business, and the people who create them are some of the best mentors around. Some of these links are affiliate links, which means that if you click through and purchase the product, I will receive a commission at no extra cost to you.
Do It with Faith by Faith Lee, Faith’s Biz Academy
Faith is by far the most thorough and comprehensive business coach I’ve ever had. ALL her courses are stellar, but I especially love her low-cost ($9/month) membership, Do It with Faith, because it gives you access to monthly trainings AND an amazing FB community. I love Faith and think she’s wonderful! You can check out Faith’s other products here.
Edit My Life Planner by Sage Grayson, Life Editor
Sage is one of my favourite planning and productivity people, as well as a fantastic life and business coach, and her products and courses suit both business and personal needs. The Edit My Life Planner makes you think about your planning in a whole new way, whether it’s for personal or business purposes. You can check out Sage’s other products here.
Brilliant Biz & Life Academy by Leonie Dawson
Leonie Dawson is such a lovely person to learn from, and particularly great for neurodiverse minds. Her Brilliant Biz & Life Academy is a subscription containing all her courses, but they’re also sold separately (you can see a list of all her courses here), and I can highly recommend the My Brilliant Year workbooks.
Show ‘Em Everything by Elizabeth Goddard
Show ‘Em Everything is just one of the many amazing courses by Elizabeth Goddard. She’s truly the online business queen. She offers some really affordable courses, which all provide super-high value for money. You can check out Elizabeth’s other products here.
I Heart My Life by Emily Williams
Emily is an amazing success expert and money coach. I’ve participated in several of her programs, and she’s always asking the questions you need to hear in order to upgrade your mindset. You can find all of Emily’s programs here.