Everything Page

All of my courses, resources, and services are listed below. Come back for more – there will always be something new!

A graphic for the free resource 'Toot Your Own Horn', with the title and the text 'List your achievements, talents, and triumphs, and revel in your awesomeness!', and a graphic illustration of a woman holding a megaphone.


I see you, my beautiful multi-passionate friend. You love EVERYTHING and you want to do ALL THE THINGS, but sometimes you feel like you don’t have much to show for all the varied interests you’ve pursued. Enter the Toot Your Own Horn workbook – your unique repository of what you’ve done in your life (so far!) – so you can see concrete proof of just how AMAZING you are!

A graphic for the free resource 'Your Master Project List', with the text 'Write 'em all down, cull and prioritize, and get those projects done!', along with a graphic illustration of two notebooks and a pen.


Can’t keep track of all your ideas? Got a million projects on the go at the same time? Want to do ALL THE THINGS at once? I hear you. I’m the same! But sometimes it can get confusing or overwhelming to have projects all over your house and knocking around your brain. You need a Master Project List to help you consolidate your projects in one place, cull and prioritize, and get them done!


A 10-day journaling experience with audio recordings to guide you through the process of rekindling your creative desires so that you can dream BIG! Discover what’s holding you back, understand how you put up resistance, and make a shift to your next-level self by following the journaling exercises, and set yourself up for a successful creative project.


A practical course that helps you understand the value and importance of your creative work, shows you how to eliminate your time-wasters so you have more time to do creative stuff, and helps you schedule that time so your creative work actually gets done.


A workbook with accompanying videos giving you 20 practical exercises to help you through the beginning, middle, and end of a project. These exercises are for dipping into whenever you’re stuck at any stage of your project.


I said I was multi-passionate! I run the following businesses on separate websites:


In 2015 I opened Clear the decks! Professional Decluttering and Organizing, first as an in-person business and now operating solely as an online business with digital courses and resources. As a professional declutterer and organizer, I help busy women get rid of the clutter in their homes by helping them understand HOW and WHY clutter accumulates. (Hint: it’s due to clutter-triggering behaviours!) You can use the coupon code MULTI20 to save 20% on any of my decluttering and organizing courses.


I opened Escape Rooms for Kids in 2020, just as lockdown happened in the UK. I had been working as a Teaching Assistant in a Year 6 class (that’s the same as Grade 6 in the U.S. and Canada), and I had just made the students a fun homework assignment in the form of an escape room. When the schools closed, I posted the escape room online in a Facebook group for parents, and I got thousands of downloads. People raved about it and asked me to make more – so I did! Now I have a suite of printable escape rooms based on school learning.


Miss Fancyplans is a work in progress – I opened it very recently so that I could follow up my interest in planners and organization, and quickly realized that I could also make lots of other products that would help busy women plan for every occasion. I’m having a great time learning how to create these products, and will keep adding them steadily to my Etsy shop.

Thanks to Elizabeth Goddard, one of the geniuses of online business, for the idea of an Everything Page! (It’s such a great idea that she trademarked it!) She makes it so easy to learn the strategy. If this sounds like something you want for your business website, you can take her course, Show ‘Em Everything (affiliate link), for $9.

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